Input Mapping

SmartObject Event Wizard - Input Mapping

The Input Mapping wizard screen maps SmartObject input Fields with Data Fields. Parameters and Input Properties can be required or optional. They are grouped together on the Input Mapping screen. Parameters are listed first, then properties. Parameters are dependent on the Service Object it is mapped to.

Repeating XML cannot be used in the Input Mapping wizard screen.

Fig. 1. SmartObject Event Wizard - Input Mapping screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Name Displays the Input fields by name User Reference
Type Displays the Input field Type. This can be a Property or Parameter of the SmartObject User Reference
Data Type Displays the Data Type of the SmartObject Property or Parameter User Reference
Required Displays whether the value is required for the method User Reference
Value Displays the value of the SmartObject Property or Parameter User Reference
Assign Click Assign to manually map a Property or Parameter to a value, another SmartObject Property, Parameter, Data Field, or XML Field Select a field and click Assign
Clear Removes the selected Field's configured mapping Click on the configured setting and select this option
Clear All Removes all the configured mappings To remove all the configured document settings, select this option
Refresh The Refresh function will refresh the SmartObject Fields Click Refresh to refresh the SmartObject Fields
Auto Map

Automatically maps existing SmartObject Fields with existing DataFields or XML Fields, alternatively the Automatically Create option can be used to create the required fields automatically in the DataField / XML Field

Map Only - Creates a mapping between any Properties or Parameters that are the same for example Id and ID

Map and Create - Same as above, but in addition creates values for those that don't already exist

Click the relevant option
Data Field and XML Field Values can be dragged from the Context Browser to the relevant SmartObject Value to assign the value. 
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)